Our Promise: Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, is strong, smart, affordable, and well-connected.
With an established, diverse economic base and a deep pool of talent in our beautiful backyard, Tuscaloosa County is poised for even more significant growth and innovation in emerging knowledge-based industries and continued success in advanced manufacturing.
Alabama ranked No. 7 nationwide in Site Selection magazine’s 2020 ranking of best states for business.
Strong Existing Industries
Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, is home to world-class brands and ranks high for overall industry diversity, with employment distributed evenly across 12 key industry clusters.
Smart People
The presence of three institutions of higher learning – The University of Alabama, Stillman College, and Shelton State Community College – plus access to excellent workforce training resources make tapping our talent a wise move.
Our overall cost of living is 12.1% lower than the U.S. average, which, combined with a business-friendly tax structure and numerous taxes and incentives, spells opportunities for cost savings and profitability.
Well Connected
The ease of doing business in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, is hard to beat, thanks to our robust transportation network with access to interstates, well-equipped airports, rail systems, waterways, and port connectivity.