Tuscaloosa County: A growing community and university town with technological prowess.
In addition to our workforce data, we’ve assembled demographic highlights below to provide a snapshot of our community.
Tuscaloosa County Demographic Stats
Population Percent Growth
Since 2010
Median Age
Average Household Income
Median Household Income
Per Capita Personal Income
Source: US Census 2020
Demographics: The Stories Beyond the Numbers
At the TCEDA, we welcome the opportunity to provide additional information and data to paint the bigger picture of our inclusive, dynamic community, including the impacts of:

An Atmosphere of
Academic thought leaders, researchers and student population at our three institutions of higher learning bring a spirited energy that catalyzes new ideas.

Diversity & Inclusion
Community leaders and initiatives strive to ensure equal opportunity for people of all abilities, ages, races, sexes, beliefs, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Our International
The University of Alabama and international manufacturing investments have brought a global population diversity that differentiates us from most communities our size.